Archon - blaster, haywire, ghostplate, djin blade, clone field, phantasm GL
9 Incubi - klaivex, onslaught
> Raider - night shields
9 Bloodbrides - 3 hydra gauntlets, syren w/venom blade
> Raider - night shields
10 Warriors - blaster, splinter cannon
10 Warriors - blaster, splinter cannon
Razorwing - disintegrators, splinter cannon, night shields
Voidraven - 2 implosion missiles, 2 monoscythe missiles, night shields
Royal Court - Lord, 2 Crypteks (one had the tremor staff thingy)
Triarch Stalker
20 Warriors - Lord w/rez orb
20 Warriors
5 Immortals - tesla
5 Immortals - gauss
8 Scarab Swarms
Annihilation Barge
Mission: The Scouring
Deployment: Dawn of War
Table: Scattered ruins and LoS-blocking ruins
Warlord Trait: Stealth/Move Through Cover in ruins
Turn 1 - DE
So I went first. Both warrior units took shelter in a ruin in the center, hanging with two objectives. One raider with the Incubi moved up on the left to behind a building, while the other raider went to the center of the table behind a ruin. Shooting offed a Scarab and put a wound on another.
Turn 1 - Necron
He moved up stuff. Shooting was out of range due to night shields or it was out of LoS. In the assault phase, the scarabs swarmed the Bloodbrides' raider and predictably nommed it to scrap. They got out, not pinned.
Turn 2 - DE
Both flyers show up. The Incubi drive forward and hop out in front of a unit of warriors (w/o Lord), while Lelith and her girls surround the Scarabs. The shooting phase sees the tesla-Immortals get imploded (along with a couple warriors), and about half the Lord's warrior unit goes down. Those flyers can dish it out! In the assault phase, the ladies annihilate the scarabs and the Incubi drop 11 warriors, making them flee and die. Phew!
Turn 2 - Necron
Suddenly down 36 models from the previous turn, he considers his options. His shooting causes a glance on the Razorwing, as well as taking out a couple Bloodbrides and four Incubi. Decent, and painful!
Turn 3 - DE
The Razorwing flits off, while my two other vehicles shoot up and wreck the Stalker. The Warriors tickle some warriors (
Turn 3 - Necron
Hmm, he moves to hide and hold the objective he still has. The barge kills half the remaining bloodbrides, leaving me with four
Turn 4 - DE
Flyers come back and shoot up the joint, destroying the Annihilation Barge. Lelith and her girls join the fray and help wipe out the warriors. Archon Chuckle-Stab gets depressed because his shiny toy is broken. They consolidate toward his remaining 6 models.
Turn 4 - Necron
He moves out to try and shoot me a bit before getting wiped out. In a spectacular attack of the onesies, the three remaining Incubi get flayed away, and Archon Chuckle-Stab takes a wound.
Turn 5 - DE
Archon Angry-Stab is done with games. He and his best girl Lelith go wipe out the remaining toasters in an orgy of death or whatever.
Total casualties: 9 Incubi, 6 Bloodbrides
I like how it went! I'm sure it had something to do with the dice or skill or something as well. The Incubi were nasty! I wonder how people ever only use units of 5 in venoms...9 is so much more effective. The Archon with the Clone Field was interesting. 7 power weapon attacks plus really powerful anti-tank capabilities, with the additional benefit of completely shutting down characters in challenges. I feel like I should've had some sort of transport for the Warriors, but they did just fine.
The flyers were very useful! The Razorwing fighter made for a superb ground-attack fighter, sweeping away enemies. The bomber made even quicker work of infantry...the Implosion missiles were nuts! I'd love to have four, but those two were pricey at 60 points. That's a whole transport vehicle right there. Alternatively, it's an entirely deleted enemy unit like terminators or paladins. No bomber model is also depressing, though I've seen a few nice conversions.
So, what do you, dear readers, think of this game?
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