So I’ve still been plugging away on the models happily now that I’m 100% settled on a list. I keep talking more to Chuck and Ryan about the lists and I think this one will probably not perform as well as I could have made an O&G list using Savage Orcs but I went for fluff over effectiveness which in my opinion is what hobby is about to me. Everybody gets what they want out of a hobby and while I enjoy fluff over competitiveness I know there are people who feel the other way.
Still, ignoring all of that, here are some pictures of the current works in progress.
Orc Boy #1 with Torch
Starting with my single pose model I cut and moved an arm while trimming down the chunk of his axe where his two choppas were at one point connected. Having repositioned the arm I then took out the weapon and with a piece of an old Wood Elf Dryad I placed that in his hand to make a torch. I used a piece from a banner pole out of an Orc or Goblin Chariot (I don’t remember which exact kit it came from) and some greenstuff to make the fire. I added a shoulder pad to help ease the transition of the reposed arm and a rope to hold the shoulder pad on.
Orc Boy #2 with Big Bag
This single pose Orc I haven’t decided to do too much to yet. I may change a weapon at some point but for now what I’ve done is add a big bag bit from an older edition Giant to his back. Then I made a big rope to hold it over his shoulder.
Boar Boy with Club Wiv Nail In’
I’ve also done a little more continued work on this guy. I gave him a spike over his shoulder and a small strap to attach it to his belt on his back. I puttied in his belt pouch as well as added and filled in a 2nd bag on the other side of his belt. I also decided to again add some shoulder pads here to ease the transition of his greenstuffed shoulders since these weren’t his original arms.
So there you can see the work I've been doing. I've also begun trimming the mold lines from the other Boar Rider (My Leader) and I'll begin working on him soon. So far I think they are turning out well and I'm looking forward to getting even more done. I've also been trying to decide on color schemes for the unit. I don't want to do all a single color of green for the skins so I'm thinking 3/4 different shades for them. If anyone has recommendations for colors please drop me a line. Thanks!
Da Burna Boy'z!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Monday, July 29, 2013
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Ryan G; Rise of Legends Part 2
Hello again,
Sad to say I do not have much to report this month on the modeling front. I have severely underestimated home much of your free time a 1 month old takes up. Anyway, I am getting more and more hobby time with each passing week. I have, however, gotten the models out of the box and now have them on my hobby desk so that I can see them everytime I walk by and can feel guilty for just keep on walking.
I have not changed my list at all, but that is not to say that I won't. August should be a much better month for me, and I promise to get some progress done on some modeling, if not some painting as well. Sorry for the short post, but I'll make up for it by the time we are done.
Ryan G
Sad to say I do not have much to report this month on the modeling front. I have severely underestimated home much of your free time a 1 month old takes up. Anyway, I am getting more and more hobby time with each passing week. I have, however, gotten the models out of the box and now have them on my hobby desk so that I can see them everytime I walk by and can feel guilty for just keep on walking.
I have not changed my list at all, but that is not to say that I won't. August should be a much better month for me, and I promise to get some progress done on some modeling, if not some painting as well. Sorry for the short post, but I'll make up for it by the time we are done.
Ryan G
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Rise of Legends - Rat Ogre Kingdoms part 2
Rat Ogre Kingdoms - part 2
I've been struggling with basing concepts. As this RoR is also going to be carried on to a full fledged army I need to have a workable basing / display base concept.
I really locked into wanting to do something with a sewer. Alot of the images I found though were all narrow corridors and didn't really translate well to an army.
After spending a couple of hours pouring over google images I found some images from a Castlevania video game which really captured the look I wanted. So the pic below is the inspiration and really gives me some good ideas on how to do a "large room" sewer theme.
With that in mind I set to work playing with a bit of styrofoam, some existing rat ogres from a friend, some minatures and bit of Castle Greyskull. My goal for my RoR is to not only have the models but to create a story. So this is a bit of a rough idea of a small bit of display. I really like where this is headed and will let me do a lot of terrain elements as well as include some water features. Really looking forward to working on this mini diorama and the models in the upcoming weeks!
I am also locking in my force as the following
Irongut - Leader
Ogre w/ AHW
2 x Gnoblars
I've not yet gotten into working out which bits of veteran kit to use but it will be included!
I've been struggling with basing concepts. As this RoR is also going to be carried on to a full fledged army I need to have a workable basing / display base concept.
I really locked into wanting to do something with a sewer. Alot of the images I found though were all narrow corridors and didn't really translate well to an army.
After spending a couple of hours pouring over google images I found some images from a Castlevania video game which really captured the look I wanted. So the pic below is the inspiration and really gives me some good ideas on how to do a "large room" sewer theme.
With that in mind I set to work playing with a bit of styrofoam, some existing rat ogres from a friend, some minatures and bit of Castle Greyskull. My goal for my RoR is to not only have the models but to create a story. So this is a bit of a rough idea of a small bit of display. I really like where this is headed and will let me do a lot of terrain elements as well as include some water features. Really looking forward to working on this mini diorama and the models in the upcoming weeks!
I am also locking in my force as the following
Irongut - Leader
Ogre w/ AHW
2 x Gnoblars
I've not yet gotten into working out which bits of veteran kit to use but it will be included!
Invasion Kenosha 40K Results
Overall Winner:Tyler Meyer
Best Appearance: Ernie Hall
The 40K Hobbyist: Mike Rhodes
Player's Name | Army Book | Total Score |
Tyler Meyer | Dark Eldar | 97 |
Elliott Levy | Orks | 95 |
Miguel Palacios | Tau Empire | 87 |
John Gaszak (Ringer) | Necrons | 77 |
Ernie Hall | Orks | 76 |
John Kowols | Tau Empire | 69 |
Alexander Nitke | Eldar | 67 |
Nicholas Randall | Eldar | 64 |
Curtis Kaminski | Eldar | 56 |
Mike Rhodes | Chaos Marines | 49 |
Invasion Kenosha V WFB Results
Overall Winner - David Witek
Best Appearance - James 'Domus' Hyde
The Hobbyist - Steve Herner
Pod #1 Greg Dausey
Pod #2 Chuck Jiardina
Pod #3 Mark Vittone
Golden Stein - Steve Herner
Results by Name | ||||
Player's Name | Army Book | Club | Appearance | Total Score |
Alex Godlewski | Skaven | Rat, Midget & Daemon | 14 | 72 |
Andrew Greiling | Ogre Kingdoms | | 14 | 65 |
Andrew Karolus | Wood Elves | Unstable Dice Podcast | 24 | 86 |
Ben Cone | Tomb Kings | | 23 | 81 |
Chuck Jiardina | Warriors of Chaos | Unstable Dice Podcast | 28 | 99 |
David Witek | Vampire Counts | NW2 | 24 | 102 |
Grant Fetter | Ogre Kingdoms | NW2 | 27 | 78 |
Greg Dausey | Warriors of Chaos | Holy Hammers | 22 | 94 |
Harrison Witek | High Elves | NW2 | 20 | 69 |
Jacob Rasmussen | Warriors of Chaos | Rat, Midget & Daemon | 20 | 95 |
James Hyde | Wood Elves | Unstable Dice Podcast | 28 | 99 |
James Maslanka | Ogre Kingdoms | Unaffliated | 14 | 67 |
Joel Mousseau | Ogre Kingdoms | IWFB | 20 | 74 |
Joel Rasmussen | Chaos Dwarves | Rat, Midget & Daemon | 23 | 81 |
John McCarthy | Dark Elves | Unaffliated | 16 | 72 |
Kevin Fleming | Orcs & Goblins | Unstable Dice Podcast | 21 | 75 |
Kyle Frank | Empire | Holy Hammers | 22 | 72 |
Lenny Szatkowski | Empire | IWFB | 20 | 86 |
Mark Vittone | Daemons of Chaos | | 18 | 93 |
Matthew Herrbold | Chaos Dwarves | | 25 | 72 |
Matthew Jayjack | Orcs & Goblins | | 15 | 58 |
Paul Wagner | Warriors of Chaos | | 23 | 75 |
Quinn Herner | Ogre Kingdoms | Holy Hammers | 14 | 63 |
Reed Herner | Lizardmen | Holy Hammers | 17 | 73 |
Stephen Herner | Wood Elves | Holy Hammers | 28 | 85 |
Tyler Harshey | Empire | IWFB | 24 | 76 |
Average Score | 20.92307692 | 79.30769231 |
Ranked by Overall Results
Player's Name | Army Book | Club | Appearance | Total Score |
David Witek | Vampire Counts | NW2 | 24 | 102 |
Chuck Jiardina | Warriors of Chaos | Unstable Dice Podcast | 28 | 99 |
James Hyde | Wood Elves | Unstable Dice Podcast | 28 | 99 |
Jacob Rasmussen | Warriors of Chaos | Rat, Midget & Daemon | 20 | 95 |
Greg Dausey | Warriors of Chaos | Holy Hammers | 22 | 94 |
Mark Vittone | Daemons of Chaos | | 18 | 93 |
Andrew Karolus | Wood Elves | Unstable Dice Podcast | 24 | 86 |
Lenny Szatkowski | Empire | IWFB | 20 | 86 |
Stephen Herner | Wood Elves | Holy Hammers | 28 | 85 |
Ben Cone | Tomb Kings | | 23 | 81 |
Joel Rasmussen | Chaos Dwarves | Rat, Midget & Daemon | 23 | 81 |
Grant Fetter | Ogre Kingdoms | NW2 | 27 | 78 |
Tyler Harshey | Empire | IWFB | 24 | 76 |
Kevin Fleming | Orcs & Goblins | Unstable Dice Podcast | 21 | 75 |
Paul Wagner | Warriors of Chaos | | 23 | 75 |
Joel Mousseau | Ogre Kingdoms | IWFB | 20 | 74 |
Reed Herner | Lizardmen | Holy Hammers | 17 | 73 |
Alex Godlewski | Skaven | Rat, Midget & Daemon | 14 | 72 |
John McCarthy | Dark Elves | Unaffliated | 16 | 72 |
Kyle Frank | Empire | Holy Hammers | 22 | 72 |
Matthew Herrbold | Chaos Dwarves | | 25 | 72 |
Harrison Witek | High Elves | NW2 | 20 | 69 |
James Maslanka | Ogre Kingdoms | Unaffliated | 14 | 67 |
Andrew Greiling | Ogre Kingdoms | | 14 | 65 |
Quinn Herner | Ogre Kingdoms | Holy Hammers | 14 | 63 |
Matthew Jayjack | Orcs & Goblins | | 15 | 58 |
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Rise of Legends - Da Burna Boy'z (Pt. 3)
So as I discussed in my last article I wrote up a Dogs of War entry for my group which I’ll link to in this article. I’ve also begun work in earnest on the models themselves. The first guy I started work on was the Boar Boy who has the Club Wiv a Nail In’ because that idea just stuck in me really fast exactly how I wanted him to look. I also began work on the Wolf Rider too and moved on him pretty fast.
First up is the Boar Boy with the Veteran Kit Club Wiv a Nail In'
Second is the Goblin Wolf Rider
I had to mince together some weapon arms from other Orcs for the Boar Rider. About 90% of the models I own for the O&G army I plan on building are 5th/6th edition single pose models which means I’m going to be doing a lot of chopping up during both this and that eventual project. Still, I liked the look of the scale armor and the pouch on his belt since everyone is going to be carrying bags of ill gotten gains.
I also worked on the Wolf Rider; I wanted to give him more action to, so I cut the Wolf in half and put him back together to make it look like he’s jumping over a small bush. I’m not sure what to do with the Boar Boy base yet though.
This is going to be a short post so here is the link to the DoW Entry for Da Burna Boyz!
Regiment of Renown - Da Burna Boy'z! (.pdf Version)
Regiment of Renown - Da Burna Boy'z! (.docx Version)
I’ve also included a link to the Microsoft Word Document in case anybody wants to use it as a template to create their own Regiment of Renown entry for fun. I recommend it personally. I think coming up with fluff and background is a great part of the hobby and can really help you get into the spirit of this type of project.
Da Burna Boy'z!
Part 1
Part 2
First up is the Boar Boy with the Veteran Kit Club Wiv a Nail In'
Second is the Goblin Wolf Rider
I had to mince together some weapon arms from other Orcs for the Boar Rider. About 90% of the models I own for the O&G army I plan on building are 5th/6th edition single pose models which means I’m going to be doing a lot of chopping up during both this and that eventual project. Still, I liked the look of the scale armor and the pouch on his belt since everyone is going to be carrying bags of ill gotten gains.
I also worked on the Wolf Rider; I wanted to give him more action to, so I cut the Wolf in half and put him back together to make it look like he’s jumping over a small bush. I’m not sure what to do with the Boar Boy base yet though.
This is going to be a short post so here is the link to the DoW Entry for Da Burna Boyz!
Regiment of Renown - Da Burna Boy'z! (.pdf Version)
Regiment of Renown - Da Burna Boy'z! (.docx Version)
I’ve also included a link to the Microsoft Word Document in case anybody wants to use it as a template to create their own Regiment of Renown entry for fun. I recommend it personally. I think coming up with fluff and background is a great part of the hobby and can really help you get into the spirit of this type of project.
Da Burna Boy'z!
Part 1
Part 2
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Regiment of Renown: Demonic Warriors of Chaos #2
ODT - Gaming
Rise of Legends Warriors of Chaos |
Chosen, General – Enchanted shield, Nurgle, luck stone, devastating charge stone, dragon bane gem, halberd
Forsaken slannesh, frenzy, swift-stride, renown – hatred
Warrior, nurgle, halberd, Halberd
Warrior nurgle, shield, Halberd
Warrior khorne, shield, Sword
An example of the warriors above is a Chaos Warrior with Sword I will use for the RoL. I now have to convert several other models with halberds, a Slannesh forsaken, and a Nurgle Chosen warrior.
![]() |
Side view of Chaos Warrior with hand weapon |
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Rise of Legends - Da Burna Boy'z (Pt. 2)
Good day everyone,
So since the first post I’ve gathered my models and all but finalized my list for better or worse and am now getting more into the fluff of the army. The list is:
Gorgut Necksplitter
-Orc Boar Boy – Leader, Shield, Dragonhelm, Gold Sigil Sword
Gorbad Brainbasha
-Orc Boar Boy – Dog of War, Shield, Club Wiv a Nail In’
Shoota Stick-eye
-Orc Arrer Boy – Dog of War, Hand Crafted Ammo
Crusha Backbreaker
-Orc – Dog of War, The Epic Flail, Big ‘Un
-Orc – Extra Hand Weapon
-Orc – Extra Hand Weapon
-Orc – Extra Hand Weapon
-Goblin Wolf Rider – Shortbow, Shield, Spear
I’ve changed my list quite a bit since I last wrote. I didn’t like the idea of the low Armor Save on the Black Orc so made a Boar Boy the leader because I could easily armor him up to a 2+. Also I upgraded this guy to a Champion because I really, really wanted the extra attack. I think 15 points is awfully expensive for that, but I still chose to go this route. Then I wasn’t satisfied with 18” bows so I dropped a Wolf Rider and added an Arrer Boy for the range.
With that hammered out, I decided to start choosing names for the models. I decided if you weren’t big and bad then you didn’t get two names because only the biggest and baddest Orcs can demand others call them by proper names. All of my Orcs names in some way or another basically represent violence. The only exception to this is Nabba who is going to be the Orc carrying the Pig. He likes to nab things. The Goblin who is too weak to earn a second name, was given a disdainful name more like a pet.
I debated on naming my Boars as well, but chose not to. My plan currently is to write up a piece of background fluff for the unit basing it off of the old Dogs of War entries from their army book in 5th which usually listed a piece of background story, a list of named guys, special items/rules, etc… and then a company motto or battle cry. As below:
I’m getting rather excited about it all now and now that I’m starting the conversion and construction process I’m looking quite forward to getting these guys put together. I’m still not certain of basing schemes to use. I wanted to go super fancy on them; but since these guys will end up one day in part of a much larger army I’m not sure what to do. I guess I can worry about it later. That’s all for now, hopefully your all still interested in what we’re doing on these articles and definitely keep an eye on the Blog to see some progression.
In the future articles that I write I will include links at the bottom so you can go backwards to see previous posts on my Regiment in case you forget something or you jump into this whole shin dig late and have missed some posts.
Da Burna Boy'z!
Part 1
So since the first post I’ve gathered my models and all but finalized my list for better or worse and am now getting more into the fluff of the army. The list is:
Gorgut Necksplitter
-Orc Boar Boy – Leader, Shield, Dragonhelm, Gold Sigil Sword
Gorbad Brainbasha
-Orc Boar Boy – Dog of War, Shield, Club Wiv a Nail In’
Shoota Stick-eye
-Orc Arrer Boy – Dog of War, Hand Crafted Ammo
Crusha Backbreaker
-Orc – Dog of War, The Epic Flail, Big ‘Un
-Orc – Extra Hand Weapon
-Orc – Extra Hand Weapon
-Orc – Extra Hand Weapon
-Goblin Wolf Rider – Shortbow, Shield, Spear
I’ve changed my list quite a bit since I last wrote. I didn’t like the idea of the low Armor Save on the Black Orc so made a Boar Boy the leader because I could easily armor him up to a 2+. Also I upgraded this guy to a Champion because I really, really wanted the extra attack. I think 15 points is awfully expensive for that, but I still chose to go this route. Then I wasn’t satisfied with 18” bows so I dropped a Wolf Rider and added an Arrer Boy for the range.
With that hammered out, I decided to start choosing names for the models. I decided if you weren’t big and bad then you didn’t get two names because only the biggest and baddest Orcs can demand others call them by proper names. All of my Orcs names in some way or another basically represent violence. The only exception to this is Nabba who is going to be the Orc carrying the Pig. He likes to nab things. The Goblin who is too weak to earn a second name, was given a disdainful name more like a pet.
I debated on naming my Boars as well, but chose not to. My plan currently is to write up a piece of background fluff for the unit basing it off of the old Dogs of War entries from their army book in 5th which usually listed a piece of background story, a list of named guys, special items/rules, etc… and then a company motto or battle cry. As below:
I’m getting rather excited about it all now and now that I’m starting the conversion and construction process I’m looking quite forward to getting these guys put together. I’m still not certain of basing schemes to use. I wanted to go super fancy on them; but since these guys will end up one day in part of a much larger army I’m not sure what to do. I guess I can worry about it later. That’s all for now, hopefully your all still interested in what we’re doing on these articles and definitely keep an eye on the Blog to see some progression.
In the future articles that I write I will include links at the bottom so you can go backwards to see previous posts on my Regiment in case you forget something or you jump into this whole shin dig late and have missed some posts.
Da Burna Boy'z!
Part 1
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Pjschard Cult of Slaanesh Dark Elves
I'm entering into the fray with Dark Elves
Cult of Slaanesh fell into place when I went through my bitz box and found 10 (!) different elf sorceresses from 8 manufacturers unfinished. My original idea was to use them all and just have a coven of sorceresses. However, I quickly abandoned that idea after attempting to figure out WYSIWYG for the figures, and realizing my opponents would spend the entire game just trying to remember which figure had which rules. Having so many different manufacturers meant that stylistically the Regiment looked like crap, so I sadly started winnowing out my extra minis.
I knew that I wanted Morathi in the list, and I had an unfinished Morathi on foot conversion in my bitz box, so my other sorceresses would have to look similar. Begrudgingly, I dismissed my Reaper sorceress (a beautiful Werner Klocke sculpt, but far too chunky.) Then, I decided against a nice conversion I had planned for a Confrontation Sorcerer (way too tall.) The Fenryll harpy got the boot after (way too small,) and the Ginfritter's Dark Elf Pirate Queen fell along the wayside as well (way too pirate-y.) The next to go was the Warplock Monkey Wood Elf Sorceress I have. (I love the sculpt but didn't like the idea of chopping bits off to match my theme.) I eliminated the cold one sorceress by GW due to my display board idea, and to the fact that the sculpt had too much forward momentum to fit in with the other minis.
This left me with a nice small force, a Dark Age mini with a blade for a hand fit the lithe graceful feel of Morathi very well, and the Mantic mini was a little small, but a very nice match. The Avatars of War sorceress with the reptile scale skirt would help tie in my conversion idea for my core, and fit perfectly stylistically. Last I had a plastic GW Dark Elf Sorceress. This is the second one I have bought, and I just couldn't resist the opportunity to paint her again.
The Morathi miniature GW makes comes on a Dark Pegasus, so no set of standing legs. I fixed this with a set of corsair boots, and matched this with corsair gloves to replace the hands I had used for other conversions in the past. This left me with the problem of core. I had none.
I had originally thought about including a unit of witch elves in my dark elf army, but didn't like the look of the GW ones, so way back when I had done a test conversion with a plastic daemonette using the same method as Morathi. I really liked it, but didn't fancy converting up 20 more. Five more seemed like a good choice and they were perfect for my theme, so I happily set about chopping and converting. The Core are all set then.
Here's my list
5 Corsairs
5 Witch Elves (Chosen of Slaanesh)
I like Domus's idea of listing goals so here are mine.
I want the models to look consistent despite the different manufacturers.
I want the basing to be at an equally high standard as the paint.
I want to sculpt a display base for this project.
I want a display piece out of this project.
I want all ten models to tell a story as a whole and as individual models.
I want all ten models exhibit a very high level of painting
use of color
I will be updating the blog, but there are already a few (albeit blurry) pictures in my twitter feed. (Pjschard)
til next time.....
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